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Showing posts from April, 2019

Goal Setting

Goal setting helps highlight the milestones and targets that define the success criteria of a task. Priming oneself to the iterative process of goal setting helps in setting up for success, enables continuous improvement, and manage expectations and anxiety. Let's begin with describing a process to set and review our goals; SMARTER 1 goal. SMARTER goal S: Specific M: Measurable A: Achievable R: Relevant T: Time-Bound ER: Evaluated and Reviewed Specific This is easier explained with an anti-thesis, avoid setting goals such as "Be healthier" , "Become rich" , etc. Instead have a specific task, which if done consistently will help achieve your lofty, non-specific goal, "Stick to my diet" . Measurable Making your goal measurable may be the most crucial aspect of goal setting. It helps in two ways; one it helps track progress, two, it helps with every other step of this process. If your goal is not measurable, you do not know if it...

Feeding your inner feedback monster

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Ken Blanchard. Feedback should be timely, on a cadence, effective to elucidate objectively what occurred. If it is positive, it enables repetition; if redirecting, it enables correction. The ability to detach subjectivity from feedback is difficult and takes deliberation and practice. Outlined is a simple structure whose application can pave the path to gracefully give and receive feedback. STAR/AR Feedback STAR/AR is an acronym for ST: Situation/Task A: Action taken against the situation/task R: Result A: Alternate Action R: Alternate Result STAR is for reinforcing (positive) feedback, STAR/AR is for redirecting (critical) feedback. STAR example Situation/Task: We were struggling with the daily report Action: You introduced and conducted sessions to the new process for the daily report Result: We streamlined our daily report STAR/AR example Situation/Task: We introduced a new process for the daily report Acti...