Goal setting helps highlight the milestones and targets that define the success criteria of a task. Priming oneself to the iterative process of goal setting helps in setting up for success, enables continuous improvement, and manage expectations and anxiety. Let's begin with describing a process to set and review our goals; SMARTER 1 goal. SMARTER goal S: Specific M: Measurable A: Achievable R: Relevant T: Time-Bound ER: Evaluated and Reviewed Specific This is easier explained with an anti-thesis, avoid setting goals such as "Be healthier" , "Become rich" , etc. Instead have a specific task, which if done consistently will help achieve your lofty, non-specific goal, "Stick to my diet" . Measurable Making your goal measurable may be the most crucial aspect of goal setting. It helps in two ways; one it helps track progress, two, it helps with every other step of this process. If your goal is not measurable, you do not know if it...