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Culture - what it is not

5 Monkeys were placed in a closed room, with a ladder leading up to a bunch of bananas. The most curious (or hungriest) monkey would cautiously start climbing up. After crossing a threshold on the ladder, a shower of ice-cold water would drench them.

This would deter the first monkey, more startled at the sudden rain; jumping off the ladder and retreating to the corners like everyone else. After overcoming the initial shock, someone would try again; like the last time, ice-cold water is sprayed, everyone rushes to the corners.

At the third attempt, the remaining four monkeys would stop the daredevil and beat him up. At this point the beaten up monkey is removed, the sprinklers shut down, and a new monkey introduced into the room.

The new guy walks in, looks at the drenched monkeys, the ladder and BANANAS, and heads towards the ladder not believing that the others are so stupid to let the free lunch pass. As he reaches the ladder, his fate is similar to the one before him, beaten up black and blue. One of the original four is removed and a new monkey introduced in his place.

The new guy, well you get the idea, gets beaten up, even by the hands of the previous new brethren. This experiment progresses, until all the original monkeys in the room are replaced. Each new monkey instinctively reached for the ladder and was dealt an unfair beating by everyone remaining regardless of being drenched or not. Everyone in the room is aware of what they are to do, without knowing why they are doing it, worse not realizing that the opportunity to eat is now unfettered with negative consequences.


This story appears in the book "Competing for the Future" by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad.


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