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Sarah Bullough - Q42019

Preethu has some key qualities that make him an excellent coach. Three of them are his critical thinking, practical approach, and the time he invests into you and your coaching sessions. When Preethu was my coach, I read a book to develop my communication and leadership skills. The book sited many studies and personal accounts. Preethu and I discussed it and he encouraged me to think critically about what I was reading and consider how to apply it to myself right now. I think that type of critical thinking is necessary when selecting goals to work on. There are many goals you can choose, but which goals are doable and will make the most impact? Being able to focus on those and leave the other goals behind without feeling guilty is key. Preethu is not focused on helping you make big changes that you will likely never complete or stick with. He is focused on small incremental changes that you can complete and will make a difference in your day to day activities. I appreciate him helping me break down my goals and find the small practical changes that I needed to make. This truly is the best way for me to make meaningful changes. Preethu was invested in me and my coaching sessions. He would frequently send me materials to read based on our discussions and was willing to chat about anything that I needed help with. Even if it was outside of the coaching sessions. This is the part that I appreciate most about our coaching sessions. Knowing that I could seek advice from him on anything, career advice, personal advice, etc. was reassuring. And because he was my coach, I feel like I can still reach out to him when needed. 😊


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