"Understanding" is the objective. "Communication" is simply the most important tool for accomplishing that. - Mark Sanborn[1]
A sure shot way where our emotions override our serene mindset is when we struggle to communicate. Communication is a complex and intertwined mechanism to explain and understand each other.
A sure shot way where our emotions override our serene mindset is when we struggle to communicate. Communication is a complex and intertwined mechanism to explain and understand each other.
The channels of communication break down cause one or more sides of the conversation suffer from the inability to explain the idea or to listen. Fortunately, these are under our control. The action item, to improve our vocabulary, will enhance conversation many-fold, it will help one better express and understand. Having an affluent word-set in our arsenal projects confidence, intelligence, and enables to elaborate succinctly in the sliver time-slice we get within the conversation[2].
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1. You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader: How Anyone, Anywhere, Can Make a Positive Difference by Mark Sanborn - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/96563.You_Don_t_Need_a_Title_to_Be_a_Leader
2. You've Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World by Paul Hellman - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16866389.Paul_Hellman
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